Why won't this baby turn? I continue to do the "breech tilt" position thing at home (aiming for at least twice a day), I've seen an acupuncturist twice now to do that
moxibustion thing (see link for more info), I even had a massage yesterday (although I can't complain one bit about the most relaxing 3 hours at the spa, ever!) But baby seems to be pretty darn comfortable exactly where he is - which currently is head up under my right rib cage, bottom in the opposite lower left, and feet dangling down low, where the head
should be. I go tomorrow to meet with a doctor to discuss the ECV procedure I've mentioned in previous posts (also called, version). When I first learned about versions, it seemed like a viable, although unpleasant procedure. But now that it's possibly going to happen this week, I'm quite nervous about it and have tons of questions I need answered satisfactorily before I will agree to it. Hopefully the doctor will be knowledgeable and understanding of my worries.
My list of things to get done before the baby arrives seems to be growing rather than shrinking, even as the weeks remaining are disappearing before my eyes. We did, however, get the crib assembled - in the baby's room - this weekend and plan to get the car seat installed before the day is over, too. Of course, Kinnick (who is healing up nicely from his little accident last weekend) gave both of the new contraptions a spin, but I think you can see in his eyes just how fearful he is of all this strange new baby stuff. Just wait 'til he hears all the crying! : )

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